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Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Damara Miller at the Health Care Program

volunteer peru Cusco review samara miller medical program

ABV is a great opportunity to explore a new country and work in a place to learn more about the healthcare system if working in the clinic.

1- How was the local ABV Coordinator/staff and the support provided in-country?

My coordinator was great. She was very supportive and was available when I had questions. She gave great recommendations for things to do around the city. She worked very hard to make sure I had an enjoyable time.

2- What was the most surprising thing you experienced?

Program: Being picked up from the airport and having a day to tour the city with my coordinator.

Host Family: My living conditions were clean and comfortable and spacious.

Country: The people were very interested in my hair and dark skin tone.

3- What was the most challenging thing you experienced?

Program: No real problems. I wasn’t able to contact my coordinator when my flight was delayed because my phone didn’t work.

ABV: when having delays and your phone doesnt work, ask a local to lend a phone to call the coordinator, or find a cybercafe at the airport to email A Broader View and the coordinator. We are always online for emergencies.

Host Family: Having clean water to drink. I had to buy large bottles because of the water in Peru. Bring a filter water bottle.

Country: Some people were a little too curious 😉 and would pull my hair and stare at me for long periods of time.

4- Any tips for future volunteers… (clothing, travel, personal items, donations)

1. Multiple pairs of pants. i.e. jeans, sweat, hiking.

2. Gloves for the clinic. As stated in the ABV guide.

3. Extra cash, so you don’t have to keep going to the ATM.

5.1-Other things volunteers should know before coming here:

a. People of Cusco are nice and are just curious if they talk about your hair and your skin.

b. People in Peru have a different view of “personal bubble” than in USA. They do not mind getting close to you and packing into cars or buses.

6- Personal Paragraph about the experience (ABV Program Testimonial):

ABV is a great opportunity to explore a new country and work in a place to learn more about the healthcare system if working in the clinic.

7- How would you describe your accommodation, meals, security, friendliness, quality others:

Perfect! Could not have asked for more.

8- What was your favorite memory of this trip?

Program: When a patient asked me to work on her wounds and help the doctor take care of her dog bites.

Host Family: Eating a homemade lunch every day and talking about anything that came to mind.

Country: The beautiful views and exciting weekend excursions.

9- How was the ABV USA support prior traveling?

Everything was very encouraging and speedy fast. I spoke directly with Sarah most of the time.

9.1- What do you think about the reservation system online?

I liked the reservation system. I thought the website was a little outdated though.

ABV: we are working on it, we have over 400 pages that need a face refresh, but all the information in the website is up to date.

9.2- Who did you find Abroaderview website

I found ABV through Google.

10 – Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?

Yes, I am.

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