Nepal Kathmandu Review is a beautiful country with wonderful people. It was a fabulous experience to share with my wife and daughter. Nepal has changed a lot since my last visit over 20 years ago.
Nepal Kathmandu Review
1.- Hi Tell us about you:
Full name (first and last): Mark Wohlford Age: 58
What do you do (study or work, where): Oral Surgeon
Where are you from (city and country): Evansvive, indiana, USA

1.1. – Why did you choose to volunteer in Nepal Kathmandu, what program(s) are you doing and why?
Why Nepal: My wife is from Nepal and my daughter had never been.
What program: Dental
Why this program: That is my profession.
2. What was the most surprising thing you experienced while in the program?
Program: The prevalence of caries in children.
Host Family: The host family was very gracious and shared their home.
Country: The economy is expanding. There is construction everywhere.

3. What was the most difficult thing you experienced while in the program?
Program: The inability to fulfill all the needs of the patients we saw.
Host Family: I had no difficulties with the Host Family.
Country: Roads and Traffic.
4. Any tips for future volunteers….
Clothing: Wear layers and Comfortable shoes.
Sightseeing: Hire a guide at historical sites. This allows you to get more out of your time.
Laundry/internet: Internet was surprisingly good at the host house.

Gap Year Nepal
5. Other things volunteers should know about:
a.- City/town: There is a lot of dust. Be careful if you have respiratory problems.
b.- Weather: March weather is ideal. Not too hot or cold.
c.- Local People: Very little English spoken on the streets.
d.- Tours: Use tour guides.
6. Personal Paragraph (volunteer program testimonial), detail as possible:
I have volunteered in the United States and in other countries. Nepal is a beautiful country with wonderful people. It was a fabulous experience to share with my wife and daughter. Nepal has changed a lot since my last visit over 20 years ago.

7. How would you describe your:
Accommodation: Very nice facility with a lot of space and privacy.
Meals (favorite): We eat Nepali food at home and enjoyed the quality and Flavors.
Security: I have never felt so safe traveling internationally.
Host family: It was nice to spend meal times with such a nice family.
Dentists Without Borders
8. What was your memory of this trip?
Program: The monastery was a very special place. I was surprised that it functions as a school/ worship/ orphanage
Host Family: Every morning and night we met with the coordinator and planned. He was very flexible.
Country: The Nepalese people are very gracious and friendly.

9. How was the local ABV Coordinator, the staff, and the support provided in-country? Be as detailed as possible.
Airport: He was available on time with enough space for everyone.
Orientation day: We were well oriented as to the customs and the program for the week.
Daily Support: Everyday food and transportation were excellent.
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