Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Amel Chaman Teaching Orphanage

Volunteer Peru: I did not expect to form part of the family. We had a great time altogether. I came to know their good friends and close relatives. We had a lot of fun listening to music. They made me discovered Peruvian culture, dance, gastronomy and ritual.

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Volunteer Abroad Peru Cusco Graziella Cannarsa Pre Medical Program

Volunteer Abroad Peru: I really really loved my time in Cusco. The people I met through traveling, and other volunteers were absolutely amazing. I always had something to do in town and the time flew by. Volunteering in Peru has taught me so much about different cultures, mentality, values, and way of life.

Continue reading Volunteer Abroad Peru Cusco Graziella Cannarsa Pre Medical Program

Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Sophia Solle Premed/Senior Care Program

I had a great experience with ABV and I would love to come back and do it all over again. Working in the retirement home here opened my eyes and made me feel really grateful. I will never forget the other ABV volunteers that I have met here, and I will take the lessons I learned about other people and cultures to heart.

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Volunteer Cusco Peru Review Julia MacDonald Orphanage program

Volunteer Peru: My experience in Cusco was amazing. My host mom was like my second mom, and since I was living with other ABV volunteers they became my family. We were all one happy little family. The volunteers turned into my sisters, and were there for me no matter what.

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Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Josephine Sollee Girls Orphanage

Volunteer Peru: Coming to Peru was possibly the best experience of my life, it completely changed my outlook on life. After coming on this trip I would love to do something like it again. I loved my volunteering, the girls were so cute and amazing and hard to leave.

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Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Brian Obando PreMedical Program

Volunteer Peru: After my time volunteering at different places in Peru, I can say it was an experience worth having. It definitely opened my mind and perspective on things in my life. I have come to realize how much I should be thankful for everything I have in my life. This experience also taught me how to be more responsible and aware of my surroundings.

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Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Robert Toland Childcare Program

Volunteer Peru: It was really great to be able to meet some many people and experience a completely new culture. Learning all the different customs of the country was really cool, too. The area itself is beautiful, the surrounding mountains are awesome to see everyday.

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Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Sarah Schmidt Health & day care program

I enjoyed every minute of my time in Cusco and have learned so much. Not only things related to my volunteering, but also about myself and the culture of Peru.

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Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Damara Miller at the Health Care Program

ABV is a great opportunity to explore a new country and work in a place to learn more about the healthcare system if working in the clinic.

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Volunteer Peru Cusco Galen Miller-Persico Child Care and Zoo Care program

I was nervous going in as I’m sure everyone is, but Maria Elena made me feel right at home. I worked at a kindergarten at first but the teachers went on strike so I have been working at the local Zoo which I am enjoying even more. If you are on the edge about signing up I have to say this was amazing and I think it is something everyone should try. Give it a shot you will nots regret it.

Continue reading Volunteer Peru Cusco Galen Miller-Persico Child Care and Zoo Care program